Enter the fast-paced world of Urban Chicane, an arcade racing game that requires a combination of skill and strategy to master. You play as a rookie driver with big dreams of making it into the big leagues. Battle through intense time trials and circuits on tight and technical tracks that will push your reflexes to the limit. Urban Chicane is perfect for the casual player, as it features controller support and a simple vehicle physics system.
Project Brief
This game was developed as part of a Portfolio of Evidence project, with the aim to demonstrate our development skills by creating a racing game. The project requirements included the implementation of the following features:
Dialogue System: A fully functional dialogue interface to enhance narrative engagement or provide player instructions.
Checkpoint Race: A structured racing mode where players navigate through designated checkpoints to complete the course.
AI Racers: Competent computer-controlled opponents capable of competing alongside the player.
Player vs. AI Races: Fully operational racing mechanics allowing players to challenge AI opponents in a competitive setting.
The ultimate goal of the project was to create a complete and polished racing game, showing our ability to create and implement complex systems and creating a compelling experience.
My Role and Contributions
I was the main developer in this project. I was in charge of creating all mechanics and features to make the game playable. I ended up creating the following features/mechanics:
Car Controller
Checkpoint Race Functionality
Dynamic Dialogue System
AI racers implementation
Technologies Used
Urban Chicane was created using the Unity game engine. Additionally, the following software was also used in the production:
Adobe Photoshop
Visual Studio
DaVinci Resolve
Process Work
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